We have and will continue taking extended measures to ensure the safety and wellness of our communities, including adjusting store hours and introducing temporary modifications to ensure the health, safety and wellness of all.

Our Standards

Living well begins with eating well. It begins with eating organic, healthy, beautiful fruits, vegetables, meats and fish, along with delicious snacks. It begins with being able to provide this food for the ones you love. Living a fulfilling life; one that is happy and healthy. Making a living wage and not being taken advantage of by billionares. That's why we have taken a very serious stance against hydroxygenated fats, high-fructose corn syrup, artifical swetteners and more than 100 flavours, colours and prservatives commonly found in food. If you want to know what goes into the products you buy, our standards make it easy, because if something doesn't meet our standards, we will not be selling it.


We have seven supermakrets in the U.K. and offer delivery within London. Special customers who subscribe to a Prime account in select can enjoy deliveries within hours with AmazonFresh. Start filling your basket!!

In-store events

Delight your senses and satify every need while discovering new flavours, new favorites, and new ideas. We host dozens of insprirational and life-changing events in our stores! Choose from our calendar of panel talks, supper clubs, mixology masterclasses, and everything in between.

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